I strongly believe that everything happens because it is meant to happen. Every image our eyes run across, every new face we glance at and every problem we encounter, are all important pieces to our puzzle of life.
On a short stay away from home, I found myself in a hotel room flipping through channel after channel on TV. Since we don't have cable at home, I always take advantage of the abundance in entertainment. One show in particular seemed to catch my eye immediately (No, it wasn't What not to wear ;). There was nothing flashy or catchy about it in particular, I just felt like I should hold off on changing the channel for a bit longer.
They were in the middle of interviewing a Mormon singer/song writer that had recently made history. She was the first Latter Day Saint artist to reach top 10 status on the Christan billboard music charts. Hillary Weeks spoke about her most recent album and her newest music video. "Beautiful Heart Break". She went into detail about what the song meant to her. She explained that sometimes, unthinkable things happen in our lives that we wouldn't wish upon anyone and we just pray for them to go away. But, through it all, we realize how strong we are and how those experiences, though we may not know why they happen to us, help us to inspire, uplift and help others. Our trials are tailored specifically for us and something that may seem easy to you, would seem impossible for someone else and vice versa. Watching the music video that goes along with that song was so incredibly moving and eye opening. It spoke to my heart and I was so overwhelmed with compassion after watching it. It gave me a totally different perspective on life and how we need to appreciate the small things we take for granted, every day.
The video features various women that share their "Beautiful Heart break". At first, they seemed like ordinary women but, after you realize that they have been through some unimaginable things, all of a sudden, they don't seem so "ordinary" anymore. They were extraordinary!
Toward the end of the video, a group of brave women, each hold up a sign that silently reveals their "beautiful heartbreak" to the world. As you read each sign, you get a small idea of what they have had to painfully endure. I couldn't believe some of the things theses women have had to deal with and survive through! It was so hard to read all of their signs but, it made me realize that even thought they had to deal with these difficult trials, they were still alive and they were making it through, somehow. It was a great reminder that ALL Women have extraordinary abilities. Abilities that can help get them through their heart break with grace, patience, endurance, power, optimism, hope, and most importantly, Faith. A combination of abilities and traits that make them beautiful, truly beautiful.
Please watch Hillary Weeks' inspired video:
After seeing this, I felt an overwhelming sympathy and respect for these women. What if I never got to see these women with their signs? I wondered how I would look at them if I ran into them in public. Would I compare myself to them at first? Would I blindly judge them? Would I treat them with the honor and respect they deserved or would I be so enveloped in my own life that I would be to busy to say hi, or even smile?
These simple, few worded signs, immediately changed my view of these women! I instantly got a tiny glimpse of the pain and anguish they have had to suffer. It's interesting that once I saw their inner strength and power that they possessed, their outward appearance faded immediately and any urge or reaction I had to judge was gone! I was reminded that we should be looking at the real beauty and strength in each other, rather than picking one another apart.
I will surely think twice before judging a stranger from now on, especially because, they aren't strangers if you think about it. We are all women that are struggling through life with different heartbreaks, we have more in common than we know. We should strive to be more united and less quick to put up our guards.
Imagine that we all carried around our beautiful heartbreak signs, how much would we be inclined to judge the lady behind us at the grocery store with screaming kids? She may be wearing the sign of a young widow, left to care for her children all alone. Would we think twice before honking at a slow driver If we could see that her sign was abuse? She might be dreading the pain she will face as soon as she gets home and driving slowly is the only comfort she can get at that moment.
I was at the grocery store the other day and I was up front getting my cart and I noticed a young mother pushing a double stroller in one hand, with a baby in the front and a new born in the back seat. Then she was pulling a shopping cart behind with the other hand. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, she is a super women! How can I ever complain when I have only one cart to push, with one child in it. I'm sure her everyday life is a million times as hectic as mine. What an amazing woman!" Then, to my surprise, a lady she somewhat knew (didn't seem like they were best friends, maybe they were neighbors) Said, "Hey, how are you? Do you need help?" The mom said "I've done this before, I think I'll be okay." She unsurely said. "I don't have much to get anyway." Kind of hesitating the offer but knowing she needed help. The other women said "Well then, if you don't have much, I'll help you with this cart" as she grabbed the cart from her, before she could answer, and headed into the store. There are no words to explain the look on that moms face. It was like she had been worried all day about making the trip and praying for a way to get it done and just at the right time, her prayer was answered. I could tell she was relieved and it literally looked like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. My next thought was, "Wow, another Super Women!" How awesome was this lady who didn't think twice about offering help. She just saw the need and took charge.
These "Super Women" are everywhere! But, if we don't see them in their "Super Women" moments or know what their personal heartbreak is, I think we quickly forget how amazing women can be and we resort to comparing and judging one another. I was very grateful to see these women in their "Super" moments. They weren't dressed in designer clothing and their hair wasn't done all fancy, I don't even know if they had makeup on. But, the beauty that I saw in their actions definitely sparkled brighter than any lip gloss ever could. It was a great reminder to me that we need to stick together as women and support one another. That we need to look past the "flawed" outer shell to the "Wow" factor on the inside.
I know I was meant to be at that hotel, to see that show, to see that inspiring music video, to be reminded of the potential and beauty that women poses, to see those wonder women at the grocery store, to remind me of the remarkable beauty that all women possess. They were all significant pieces to my "Life Puzzle" that I am grateful to have received.
Ever since that day I saw the "Beautiful Heartbreak" Video, I seem to be doing less judging and more understanding. I think of the women I interact with on a daily basis and see, the "Wow" factor they all posses. From my self-less friend who knowing of the baby's disabilities, still chose to adopt and commit herself to him forever, to the many women I run into on a regular basis that are always doing something to help someone else in need. These are all truly beautiful women that I am privileged to know. I hope we can all be more willing to stand united. I hope we can let our guards down and realize that we are all in different stages of our heartbreak that we are struggling with. And if we can be less quick to judge and more quick to understand and support, we will help each other quicken the healing process. We are all SUPER WOMEN! Let's start treating one another, stranger on not, like so.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
The "Perfect" Halloweenazzz (End of title done by Stela) How Appropriate
I constantly have ideas in my head of makeup looks/creations that I am dying to try out on a face. Ever since I became a mom of an energetic and demanding baby, I have had to put my love of creating on the back burner for the most part. It's been a hard adjustment for me and sometimes I feel like there is no such thing as "me time"...I'm sure other mom's can relate.
Well, for about a month now, I have been wanting to do a video/tutorial on how to do a day of the dead (Mexican Holiday resembling Halloween) Sugar skull mask!
I began toying with the idea since mid September and planned on making the video at the beginning of October. But, with a one year old running around, I found it would be impossible to make a makeup video and not have her starring in it. So, after a few failed attempts, I finally resigned my plan to make a video of my sugar skull makeup.
On Saturday, I decided to take Stela to the Main Street Trick or Treat. I got her lady bug costume all ready and put her down for a cat nap (that's all she takes) before we left. Once she was asleep, I got the sudden urge to attempt my sugar skull face. I went back and forth for a bit, thinking I wouldn't have time or it would be sloppy and Stela would be awake soon. But for some reason, I just had to do it! I tried to get as much done as I could while Stela was asleep. But, I didn't get very far. When she woke up I was worried she'd scream when she saw my white face and dark eyes. But, to my surprise, I found out that she recognized me fine and she didn't care what I looked like.
I finished the rest of the face with her "help" half the time in my arms and half the time getting eye shadow all over the bathroom and I even caught her with a makeup brush in her mouth. It was pretty crazy but, a good memory to have made.
In the end, It didn't go as planned. I didn't get to make my video, make all the details as perfect as I had pictured, or have as much time as I wanted (without, interruption). But, the point is, is that I did it.
I realized that, not only in this instance, but with life in general, things will never be exactly the way you pictured them in your mind. But, what makes your visions and plans memorable, are the details that you never imagined in the first place.
Sometimes, we've just got to allow our "perfect plan" some room to be not so perfect and say to ourselves "This is good enough!"
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Well, for about a month now, I have been wanting to do a video/tutorial on how to do a day of the dead (Mexican Holiday resembling Halloween) Sugar skull mask!
I began toying with the idea since mid September and planned on making the video at the beginning of October. But, with a one year old running around, I found it would be impossible to make a makeup video and not have her starring in it. So, after a few failed attempts, I finally resigned my plan to make a video of my sugar skull makeup.
On Saturday, I decided to take Stela to the Main Street Trick or Treat. I got her lady bug costume all ready and put her down for a cat nap (that's all she takes) before we left. Once she was asleep, I got the sudden urge to attempt my sugar skull face. I went back and forth for a bit, thinking I wouldn't have time or it would be sloppy and Stela would be awake soon. But for some reason, I just had to do it! I tried to get as much done as I could while Stela was asleep. But, I didn't get very far. When she woke up I was worried she'd scream when she saw my white face and dark eyes. But, to my surprise, I found out that she recognized me fine and she didn't care what I looked like.
I finished the rest of the face with her "help" half the time in my arms and half the time getting eye shadow all over the bathroom and I even caught her with a makeup brush in her mouth. It was pretty crazy but, a good memory to have made.
In the end, It didn't go as planned. I didn't get to make my video, make all the details as perfect as I had pictured, or have as much time as I wanted (without, interruption). But, the point is, is that I did it.
I realized that, not only in this instance, but with life in general, things will never be exactly the way you pictured them in your mind. But, what makes your visions and plans memorable, are the details that you never imagined in the first place.
Sometimes, we've just got to allow our "perfect plan" some room to be not so perfect and say to ourselves "This is good enough!"
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Stela, My little helper that makes this all "possible" |
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Halloween Nails
Halloween would have to be one of my favorite holidays, hands down.
You get to dress up, do crazy hair and makeup and don't forget the free candy!
I've always liked doing my nails to go along with my costume to make it that much better :)
I thought I'd post some ideas of nail designs to go along with your costume. If you are a witch or a spider or anything else that's kind of creepy, this would be great for you.
This is for the more reserved costume...
This top coat was a dollar store find I got years ago. Haven't seen anything like it so I hope I never run out!
Halloween is a good excuse to go out of your comfort zone, try doing your nails to compliment your costume. The little details make a big difference.
You get to dress up, do crazy hair and makeup and don't forget the free candy!
I've always liked doing my nails to go along with my costume to make it that much better :)
I thought I'd post some ideas of nail designs to go along with your costume. If you are a witch or a spider or anything else that's kind of creepy, this would be great for you.
Any black will do as a base. Then, use an orange that you like to draw on the web with a needle tip, tooth pick even a mechanical pencil. |
This is for the more reserved costume...
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Bronze brown base and and orange sparkle top coat. |
Halloween is a good excuse to go out of your comfort zone, try doing your nails to compliment your costume. The little details make a big difference.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Chase your passion, Follow your dreams....
For the past six years I have been blessed to live my dream as an artist, in the medium of makeup and design. I get to be surrounded by extraordinary people every day, who share their passions and abilities with me and allow me to share mine with them.
I believe that each one of us has a passion that is burning somewhere, deep inside our souls. Some of us, have an unwavering, mighty flame burning strong. And others, a faint flicker of light, fighting to stay lit.
You may wonder what passion is exactly or why it matters? Well, to me, passion is what makes the world go 'round. Nothing can be accomplished if there isn't any passion behind the cause. Passion, has proven the impossible, to be possible. Passion, has freed prisoners from bondage and suffering, passion has given hope, passion has saved lives, passion has changed history, passion has healed broken hearts, passion HAS no limits.
Every one of our thoughts and actions are sourced by passion in one way or another, even if we don't realize it. For example, If you are passionate about something, then you care more about that something and caring leads to action. That, is why discovering what our passion is, is so important in this life. We should learn to feed our flame to improve our lives, and the lives of those around us.
Growing up, with a big family and a small budget, I quickly learned how to improvise and be creative, to compensate for what I didn't have. When reflecting on my past, I realize that no matter how much money you DON'T have, you can always use creativity and a little artistic-ness to make up for it. My Mom is a great example of what I am talking about, she truly is, one of the most creative people I know. I remember, she could always make something, out of nothing. Instead of buying everything she needed, she'd use what she had and make what she needed. DIY (Do it yourself) was not a common term when I was little but, my house was surrounded by everything DIY. For Birthday parties, she'd make her own piƱatas, bake and decorate the cake helrself, make the invitations, and design her own decorations. She made me a cake one year, that I will never forget. It was a barbie dressed in a beautiful ball gown. She stuck one of my barbies into the cake, frosted the bodice of the dress onto the barbie, then the cake was shaped and frosted into a perfect princess gown. I loved it, and I don't think a store bought cake would've even come close. By seeing her create so much with so little, I learned, that you can be happy with what you have because, you can create whatever you want.
Ever since I can remember, art, was something I felt comfortable doing and it came naturally to me. Unlike sports, where I was (and am) so challenged. I never liked PE and I always felt out of place and anxious when in that environment. To me, holding a bat in my hand was the most unnatural and awkward feeling and to be honest, I hated it. On the contrary, holding a pencil or brush in my hand was the total opposite feeling. I felt so comfortable and relaxed. Art, was my "thing" and because of some distinct experiences in my life, I soon discovered that my passion for art lie in the area of beauty and fashion.
When I was little, my Mom gave me an outdated scrap calendar to use as a note book, since the back of each page was blank. I began drawing a "look" on each page. From ball gowns and up dos to casual outfits and loosely curled hair. Spending so much time on each detail, the lashes on each eye or the ruffle on dress. I'd get lost in another world, time seemed to fly by and I just remember feeling like I could go on forever.
That, is the first time I remember getting that "natural high" feeling. That feeling of wonder, thrill, excitement, satisfaction, relaxation, that all over intense rush of emotion. That is the first time I remember feeling PASSION!
Years later, as Junior high aged girl, I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to go in with my personal "look". It was a transitional stage for me, as it is for a lot of us at that age. And I got stuck in this rut of wearing my hair up every day. Out of my face and in my comfort zone. One day my good friend told me I should try wearing my hair down for once. I thought, "no way! Completely down?!"....That was so foreign to me, I hated my hair in my face and I'd feel so awkward if I wore it all down! I wanted to stay in my routine and comfort zone so, I said I'd think about it. Not planning on doing it but, I didn't want to be rude. Luckily for me, my friend kept persisting (for a few months) that I wear my hair down. Finally, One day for a special occasion, (don't remember what it was) I wore my hair down. I walked out the door, feeling so exposed and uncomfortable. I hesitantly got onto the bus, walked down the isle to where my friends were saving our usual seat, It felt like everyone was starting. (Even though I know it was all in my head) My friends were so excited that I finally did it! They said they liked it and that helped me feel a little better about the big change. It sounds so dumb now and like a not so big deal but, to me, it was huge at the time. Throughout the day I got lots of compliments even though I still felt uncomfortable, it helped. It's amazing what kind words from peers can do for your fragile self confidence at that age and actually, at any age. Well, something clicked that day, and I quickly realized that I could express myself and show my creativity and passion for art through my personal style. I was encouraged to break out of my shell and feel uncomfortable and exposed. In life, different situations force us feel exposed and out of control. As humans, I think we dread those situations and try to avoid running into them at all costs. But, those experiences and moments help us grow and discover that we are braver and stronger then we knew! And for me, that experience opened up so many doors for me, I am grateful for the friend who gave me a push into the direction I didn't know I was meant to go in.
After I broke down one of my comfort zone barriers that day, I felt like a whole new world of possibilities had opened up to me. I decided I would never wear my hair the same way twice in a row, before doing something different in between. Basically, I went to the other extreme and usually I don't recommend extremes but, in my case, it was all in the name of art! I learned so much about hair and the way it moves, molds and shapes. I'd really get creative and try new braids and up dos, new twists and textures. I began to develop a love for creating new works of art through hair design. And I now realize that it was all practice to help me in the future.
After a few years of practicing my new found passion for hair design, I talked to my mom about the possibility of enrolling into beauty school. I was a sophomore in high school and the idea of doing what I loved and calling it a "job" was just so unreal to me. Going to hair school seemed like a very distant dream but I just couldn't get it out of my mind! We talked to the owners that told me I could start school during my Junior summer and be finished a couple months after graduation High School. I felt like everything was falling into place perfectly! I was so excited to start but, I quickly realized that it cost quite a bit of money and I didn't have any. My Parents said that I would have to pay for school if I wanted to go. At that time we had 9 kids in our family and there was no way my parents could pay for my tuition. Even with the discount I got of 3,000 dollars for finishing my high school credits early. Leaving me a remaining balance of 5,500 dollars.
For a 17 year old that had no money, it seemed impossible. But, I just couldn't give up my passion, my dream! My parents had always taught me that being in this country was a privilege and I needed to study hard and make the most of my opportunities. My Parents sacrificed everything they had, to emigrate to Utah and raise us in an environment where we could be anything we wanted to be if, we chose work and study hard. I always felt like I owed it to them to work hard, study hard and follow my dreams. As a little girl, my dad always told me that I would be the first, female president (of the United States). And, I honestly believed it because, I knew he had faith in me and he never gave me limits as to how far I could dream.
While I don't see myself as the President of the United States anytime soon, I know that because of my Dads honest faith and encouragement in me, I still know I could be. If, I wanted to. I took his faith in me, to heart and I decided that I would find a way to pay for school.
I quickly applied everywhere I could and got an interview at a Shopko. I went in, interviewed for a floor worker and got the job. Wasn't a lot of money or a fun sounding job but, I didn't care. I needed what I could get at that moment. One of the amazing things about this country is that, if you are willing to work, you can attain just about anything you set your mind to. I now, was ready to start school!
After beginning school I fell more in love with up do work and makeup above any other aspect of cosmetology. I felt like that is where I had the easiest time and where I had the most fun. I was so grateful to be in hair school, I tried to absorb as much information as I could. But, it wasn't always easy or fun, especially with my hectic schedule. I had to fit so much into one day, it was crazy. It went something like this... I got there at 8am, went to high school at 12 for a couple classes, headed back to cosmetology school til 5:15, Started work (Shopko) at 5:25, Got off work between 10:30-12:00 (after being on my feet the whole time) and finally, home! I did this for what seemed like eternity and it was one of the hardest things I had done at that point in my life. But, that was my only option if I wanted to make my monthly payment of 350 to the school. It was hard and I remember crying my way home from work, a lot of the time, just because of how exhausted I was. It was a big sacrifice but honestly, I am so grateful for those experiences and for that phase in my life. It taught me a lot about work ethic, perseverance, endurance, determination and how to fight for my passion. Traits that I was going to need for the rest of my life, in fact. What a great lesson I got to learn at such an early age. It's amazing what we will sacrifice in order to chase our dreams and live our passions. At the end of those long 14 months, I had a balance of about 1,300 dollars and didn't know how I was going to come up with that money so quickly. To my surprise, my parents gave me that money for my graduation present (along with a new personal makeup set!) I am so grateful for their help, I was blessed to have the payment for school each month and extra blessed to have my parents help me out with the last big payment! It felt so good to have finished and I knew, it would all be worth it.
After I was and licensed as a cosmetologist, I was eager to learn more about makeup artistry. I met an amazing mentor in a class I took and she taught me everything I needed to know about the film industry. She began inviting me to shadow her on the films she was working on and I soon became her assistant. I couldn't get enough of that environment, I had never seen such team work! Everyone on the cast/crew had such talent and to make a production, it required every individual to give 100% of their talent. I began to develop a new passion, a passion for the production world. I loved making the actors up, to transform them into their character. I was re-living that feeling I had when I drew all "notebook looks", times 100!
That is how I got my start in film/TV work and I later started contracting through a bridal company as well. I now do free-lance work wherever it takes me and am currently working on a daily television show for BYUTV. I love what I do, and I love sharing my passion for makeup, with each new canvas I get to work on.
I believe that I got to where I am now because of a combination of a few things. First, I had the ambition, to pursue a career in what I was passionate about. Second, I worked hard and endured through the grueling schedule, others' doubts, and even rejection and that, is never easy to take. Thirdly, I always think of this quote my mom wrote me in a journal that she gave me. "Success happens when preparedness meets opportunity." I feel like I prepared myself as much as I could and when opportunities arose, success was the consequence.
I haven't yet reached the height of my ultimate dreams but, I am on the path that will lead me there. And for now, I am content to be where I am today.
I truly encourage anyone who hasn't found their passion, to reflect back on what thing in life has given you that feeling of joy, excitement or accomplishment. What are you good at or what do you feel most comfortable doing? Once you have figured that part out, I challenge you to act on your passion, to break down the barriers of your comfort zone and take risks! "It's better to have a life of Oh well's, than a life of what ifs". Transform that fragile flicker inside, into a rip roaring flame.
You never know if your passion can be used to help or uplift others. Anything from using your passion for sports to start coaching and help build self worth and confidence in kids. Or using your passion for sewing, to help teach others how to mend their own clothes to be more thrifty and self reliant. And even using your passion for emergency preparedness, to help teach those around you how to be aware and prepared for an emergency situation.
There is always a dimension of your passion that can be used for good but, it is up to you to find out what it is and use it in its a most fulfilling form. It will increase your happiness and give you fulfillment you never thought possible. Chase your passion, and follow your dreams.
Here are some pictures of my work from right out of school to present:
I believe that each one of us has a passion that is burning somewhere, deep inside our souls. Some of us, have an unwavering, mighty flame burning strong. And others, a faint flicker of light, fighting to stay lit.
You may wonder what passion is exactly or why it matters? Well, to me, passion is what makes the world go 'round. Nothing can be accomplished if there isn't any passion behind the cause. Passion, has proven the impossible, to be possible. Passion, has freed prisoners from bondage and suffering, passion has given hope, passion has saved lives, passion has changed history, passion has healed broken hearts, passion HAS no limits.
Every one of our thoughts and actions are sourced by passion in one way or another, even if we don't realize it. For example, If you are passionate about something, then you care more about that something and caring leads to action. That, is why discovering what our passion is, is so important in this life. We should learn to feed our flame to improve our lives, and the lives of those around us.
Growing up, with a big family and a small budget, I quickly learned how to improvise and be creative, to compensate for what I didn't have. When reflecting on my past, I realize that no matter how much money you DON'T have, you can always use creativity and a little artistic-ness to make up for it. My Mom is a great example of what I am talking about, she truly is, one of the most creative people I know. I remember, she could always make something, out of nothing. Instead of buying everything she needed, she'd use what she had and make what she needed. DIY (Do it yourself) was not a common term when I was little but, my house was surrounded by everything DIY. For Birthday parties, she'd make her own piƱatas, bake and decorate the cake helrself, make the invitations, and design her own decorations. She made me a cake one year, that I will never forget. It was a barbie dressed in a beautiful ball gown. She stuck one of my barbies into the cake, frosted the bodice of the dress onto the barbie, then the cake was shaped and frosted into a perfect princess gown. I loved it, and I don't think a store bought cake would've even come close. By seeing her create so much with so little, I learned, that you can be happy with what you have because, you can create whatever you want.
Ever since I can remember, art, was something I felt comfortable doing and it came naturally to me. Unlike sports, where I was (and am) so challenged. I never liked PE and I always felt out of place and anxious when in that environment. To me, holding a bat in my hand was the most unnatural and awkward feeling and to be honest, I hated it. On the contrary, holding a pencil or brush in my hand was the total opposite feeling. I felt so comfortable and relaxed. Art, was my "thing" and because of some distinct experiences in my life, I soon discovered that my passion for art lie in the area of beauty and fashion.
When I was little, my Mom gave me an outdated scrap calendar to use as a note book, since the back of each page was blank. I began drawing a "look" on each page. From ball gowns and up dos to casual outfits and loosely curled hair. Spending so much time on each detail, the lashes on each eye or the ruffle on dress. I'd get lost in another world, time seemed to fly by and I just remember feeling like I could go on forever.
That, is the first time I remember getting that "natural high" feeling. That feeling of wonder, thrill, excitement, satisfaction, relaxation, that all over intense rush of emotion. That is the first time I remember feeling PASSION!
Years later, as Junior high aged girl, I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to go in with my personal "look". It was a transitional stage for me, as it is for a lot of us at that age. And I got stuck in this rut of wearing my hair up every day. Out of my face and in my comfort zone. One day my good friend told me I should try wearing my hair down for once. I thought, "no way! Completely down?!"....That was so foreign to me, I hated my hair in my face and I'd feel so awkward if I wore it all down! I wanted to stay in my routine and comfort zone so, I said I'd think about it. Not planning on doing it but, I didn't want to be rude. Luckily for me, my friend kept persisting (for a few months) that I wear my hair down. Finally, One day for a special occasion, (don't remember what it was) I wore my hair down. I walked out the door, feeling so exposed and uncomfortable. I hesitantly got onto the bus, walked down the isle to where my friends were saving our usual seat, It felt like everyone was starting. (Even though I know it was all in my head) My friends were so excited that I finally did it! They said they liked it and that helped me feel a little better about the big change. It sounds so dumb now and like a not so big deal but, to me, it was huge at the time. Throughout the day I got lots of compliments even though I still felt uncomfortable, it helped. It's amazing what kind words from peers can do for your fragile self confidence at that age and actually, at any age. Well, something clicked that day, and I quickly realized that I could express myself and show my creativity and passion for art through my personal style. I was encouraged to break out of my shell and feel uncomfortable and exposed. In life, different situations force us feel exposed and out of control. As humans, I think we dread those situations and try to avoid running into them at all costs. But, those experiences and moments help us grow and discover that we are braver and stronger then we knew! And for me, that experience opened up so many doors for me, I am grateful for the friend who gave me a push into the direction I didn't know I was meant to go in.
After I broke down one of my comfort zone barriers that day, I felt like a whole new world of possibilities had opened up to me. I decided I would never wear my hair the same way twice in a row, before doing something different in between. Basically, I went to the other extreme and usually I don't recommend extremes but, in my case, it was all in the name of art! I learned so much about hair and the way it moves, molds and shapes. I'd really get creative and try new braids and up dos, new twists and textures. I began to develop a love for creating new works of art through hair design. And I now realize that it was all practice to help me in the future.
After a few years of practicing my new found passion for hair design, I talked to my mom about the possibility of enrolling into beauty school. I was a sophomore in high school and the idea of doing what I loved and calling it a "job" was just so unreal to me. Going to hair school seemed like a very distant dream but I just couldn't get it out of my mind! We talked to the owners that told me I could start school during my Junior summer and be finished a couple months after graduation High School. I felt like everything was falling into place perfectly! I was so excited to start but, I quickly realized that it cost quite a bit of money and I didn't have any. My Parents said that I would have to pay for school if I wanted to go. At that time we had 9 kids in our family and there was no way my parents could pay for my tuition. Even with the discount I got of 3,000 dollars for finishing my high school credits early. Leaving me a remaining balance of 5,500 dollars.
For a 17 year old that had no money, it seemed impossible. But, I just couldn't give up my passion, my dream! My parents had always taught me that being in this country was a privilege and I needed to study hard and make the most of my opportunities. My Parents sacrificed everything they had, to emigrate to Utah and raise us in an environment where we could be anything we wanted to be if, we chose work and study hard. I always felt like I owed it to them to work hard, study hard and follow my dreams. As a little girl, my dad always told me that I would be the first, female president (of the United States). And, I honestly believed it because, I knew he had faith in me and he never gave me limits as to how far I could dream.
While I don't see myself as the President of the United States anytime soon, I know that because of my Dads honest faith and encouragement in me, I still know I could be. If, I wanted to. I took his faith in me, to heart and I decided that I would find a way to pay for school.
I quickly applied everywhere I could and got an interview at a Shopko. I went in, interviewed for a floor worker and got the job. Wasn't a lot of money or a fun sounding job but, I didn't care. I needed what I could get at that moment. One of the amazing things about this country is that, if you are willing to work, you can attain just about anything you set your mind to. I now, was ready to start school!
After beginning school I fell more in love with up do work and makeup above any other aspect of cosmetology. I felt like that is where I had the easiest time and where I had the most fun. I was so grateful to be in hair school, I tried to absorb as much information as I could. But, it wasn't always easy or fun, especially with my hectic schedule. I had to fit so much into one day, it was crazy. It went something like this... I got there at 8am, went to high school at 12 for a couple classes, headed back to cosmetology school til 5:15, Started work (Shopko) at 5:25, Got off work between 10:30-12:00 (after being on my feet the whole time) and finally, home! I did this for what seemed like eternity and it was one of the hardest things I had done at that point in my life. But, that was my only option if I wanted to make my monthly payment of 350 to the school. It was hard and I remember crying my way home from work, a lot of the time, just because of how exhausted I was. It was a big sacrifice but honestly, I am so grateful for those experiences and for that phase in my life. It taught me a lot about work ethic, perseverance, endurance, determination and how to fight for my passion. Traits that I was going to need for the rest of my life, in fact. What a great lesson I got to learn at such an early age. It's amazing what we will sacrifice in order to chase our dreams and live our passions. At the end of those long 14 months, I had a balance of about 1,300 dollars and didn't know how I was going to come up with that money so quickly. To my surprise, my parents gave me that money for my graduation present (along with a new personal makeup set!) I am so grateful for their help, I was blessed to have the payment for school each month and extra blessed to have my parents help me out with the last big payment! It felt so good to have finished and I knew, it would all be worth it.
After I was and licensed as a cosmetologist, I was eager to learn more about makeup artistry. I met an amazing mentor in a class I took and she taught me everything I needed to know about the film industry. She began inviting me to shadow her on the films she was working on and I soon became her assistant. I couldn't get enough of that environment, I had never seen such team work! Everyone on the cast/crew had such talent and to make a production, it required every individual to give 100% of their talent. I began to develop a new passion, a passion for the production world. I loved making the actors up, to transform them into their character. I was re-living that feeling I had when I drew all "notebook looks", times 100!
That is how I got my start in film/TV work and I later started contracting through a bridal company as well. I now do free-lance work wherever it takes me and am currently working on a daily television show for BYUTV. I love what I do, and I love sharing my passion for makeup, with each new canvas I get to work on.
I believe that I got to where I am now because of a combination of a few things. First, I had the ambition, to pursue a career in what I was passionate about. Second, I worked hard and endured through the grueling schedule, others' doubts, and even rejection and that, is never easy to take. Thirdly, I always think of this quote my mom wrote me in a journal that she gave me. "Success happens when preparedness meets opportunity." I feel like I prepared myself as much as I could and when opportunities arose, success was the consequence.
I haven't yet reached the height of my ultimate dreams but, I am on the path that will lead me there. And for now, I am content to be where I am today.
I truly encourage anyone who hasn't found their passion, to reflect back on what thing in life has given you that feeling of joy, excitement or accomplishment. What are you good at or what do you feel most comfortable doing? Once you have figured that part out, I challenge you to act on your passion, to break down the barriers of your comfort zone and take risks! "It's better to have a life of Oh well's, than a life of what ifs". Transform that fragile flicker inside, into a rip roaring flame.
You never know if your passion can be used to help or uplift others. Anything from using your passion for sports to start coaching and help build self worth and confidence in kids. Or using your passion for sewing, to help teach others how to mend their own clothes to be more thrifty and self reliant. And even using your passion for emergency preparedness, to help teach those around you how to be aware and prepared for an emergency situation.
There is always a dimension of your passion that can be used for good but, it is up to you to find out what it is and use it in its a most fulfilling form. It will increase your happiness and give you fulfillment you never thought possible. Chase your passion, and follow your dreams.
Here are some pictures of my work from right out of school to present:
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
How I became a makeup artist
The two questions that I get asked the most in my career are, What do I do as a makeup artist and how did I find a job doing makeup for a living? So, I thought I'd publicly give an answer description and how it all came about.
I am a "free-lance" makeup artist, meaning, I don't have a contract with one specific company. I bounce around from company to company and job to job depending on who I get a call from. It can be anything from a health seminar shoot at USANA, to a commercial for a BBQ/smoker grill. I also free lance doing brides and wedding parties. I have been contracting through a company called Signature Brides doing on location Hair and makeup for 4 years now. I am also currently working with BYU Broadcasting on a daily television news show. So that would pretty much sum it up for the "what do you do for work?" question.
Now for the, "How did you get into this?" question. Every makeup artist enters into it in a different way so, each artist has their own story. I find it very interesting that there isn't on way to break into the business. It's actually pretty hard to find your way in because it's mostly by word of mouth and networking. My story is a bit of a long story so, I'll give you the medium version. And it pretty much goes like this:
When I was 17 I started Cosmetology school near my high school. I loved the creativity of up-do work so that is what got me interested in hair school. Through out school I fell more in love with up-dos and makeup more than any other aspect of cosmetology. I felt like that is where I had the easiest time and where I had the most fun. I was so grateful to be in hair school, I tried to make the most of every day there. It wasn't always easy or fun, especially my schedule. I had to fit so much into one day, it was crazy. It went something like this... I got there at 8am, went to high school at 12 for a couple classes, headed back to cosmetology school til 5:15, Started work (Shopko) at 5:25, Got off work between 10:30-12:00 and finally, home! I did this for what seemed like eternity and it was one of the hardest things I had done at that point in my life. I had to pay for tuition so, I had to find a way to make the money I needed to finish school. It was hard but so worth it. It taught me a lot about work ethic, perseverance, endurance, determination and so much more. Traits that I was going to need for the rest of my life, in fact. What a great lesson of sacrifice and value of what I had learned.
The one thing I was disappointed about was that I didn't get the makeup training I had hoped for in school. We focused on hair for the most part. So, I did a lot of makeup practicing on myself and learned a lot on my own with the makeup station they had for us to use.
When I graduated I started working at a salon to start building my clientele. But I still had a thirst for everything makeup! I enrolled in a local college and signed up for a theater makeup class. There were only 3 people that signed up and the teacher was out of commission. They told me I would probably have to drop that class but, I wanted to go so bad I just went anyway. I would sit alone in a costume room watching videos on theater makeup application. After a few weeks they told me they had found a teacher! Yay! Turns out it was a free-lance makeup artist that knew the costume designer there at UVU. She was very friendly and knowledgeable, I just wanted to know it all! I would eat every word and technique up! This is what I had been wanting for so long! We had class once a week and on one specific field trip Janna took us to a film set that she was currently working on. I got to see how it was all done. I got to see how difficult everyone worked to make one little scene happen, I saw how amazingly talented everyone on the production cast/crew was to make a good product. It was so fascinating and intriguing to me, I wanted to be a part of it so bad!
When the semester came to an end, I got an invite from the teacher to come assist her on her next film. Of course said yes and that is it where it all began...
I was basically the assistant to her assistants (grateful for any position at that point) I got to help with hair styling, powdering masses of people in between takes, and anything else they let me do. I even got to learn the film set "lingo" that is standard on professional sets. I will never forget that day. It just felt like I had finally found my perfect place and I just couldn't get enough. (Still feel that way to this day)
After the shoot I didn't expect anything to come of it, but one day, I get a call from Janna, telling me her assistants had a better offer for a bigger movie (Saints and Soldiers) and she needed my help designing for her next project/film. I Couldn't believe the opportunity that had come knocking and I, with out any hesitation, hopped on board. We got to design 7 (Lion) makeup looks for "Daniel and the Lions" It was a blast!
I learned so much from Janna ( I call her the hair encyclopedia) any question I have about hair, I ask her knowing she will have a detailed answer and more. She became my mentor and friend. I am so grateful that she was willing to spend time teaching me and letting me ask question after question! I owe her so much for all her help.
Eventually, I started working on other sets and I met more people in the industry.That led to more jobs through word of mouth recommendations. Later on, I started keying (where you are the lead makeup artist) on my own. Around that time I also started with Signature Brides, traveling around Utah getting girls ready for their big day. Bridal work could not be more perfect for me because, I love styling up-dos and I love doing makeup! Perfect combo and it does help that it's that happiest day of their lives ;)
So, For a few years I have divide my time up between film/Television work, Brides, and salon clients. I had a pretty good system down and I felt lucky every day, to be doing what I did for "work". I have a bit of a different system now because, I had a baby about a year ago and time just doesn't allow me to do all that I did before. She is my priority and I always go by the motto "Family First" I used to work 12 hour days, weeks in a row, on film sets. That is not an option anymore so, I have stopped pursuing film work. I also used to quite a bit more bridal work and now, since they are early morning clients and travel is time consuming, I only do brides that are near by and close friends. With a few exceptions, of course. I just find it hard to be gone so long and I feel that as my family changes, my career will to. And I'm okay with that. The job I do the most now is, a daily Television show that lets my bring Stela with me. And it only consumes a total of 2 1/2- 3 hrs of my day. Honestly, this is a huge blessing for our family. I feel so blessed to be working on an uplifting, wholesome show with good people that want to help others. It's a great opportunity in my life, and I am very grateful for the chance to be a part of it.
I encourage anyone and everyone, to find you passion and make it into something that you can do for work or even a side job. You never know, it might become
I am a "free-lance" makeup artist, meaning, I don't have a contract with one specific company. I bounce around from company to company and job to job depending on who I get a call from. It can be anything from a health seminar shoot at USANA, to a commercial for a BBQ/smoker grill. I also free lance doing brides and wedding parties. I have been contracting through a company called Signature Brides doing on location Hair and makeup for 4 years now. I am also currently working with BYU Broadcasting on a daily television news show. So that would pretty much sum it up for the "what do you do for work?" question.
Now for the, "How did you get into this?" question. Every makeup artist enters into it in a different way so, each artist has their own story. I find it very interesting that there isn't on way to break into the business. It's actually pretty hard to find your way in because it's mostly by word of mouth and networking. My story is a bit of a long story so, I'll give you the medium version. And it pretty much goes like this:
When I was 17 I started Cosmetology school near my high school. I loved the creativity of up-do work so that is what got me interested in hair school. Through out school I fell more in love with up-dos and makeup more than any other aspect of cosmetology. I felt like that is where I had the easiest time and where I had the most fun. I was so grateful to be in hair school, I tried to make the most of every day there. It wasn't always easy or fun, especially my schedule. I had to fit so much into one day, it was crazy. It went something like this... I got there at 8am, went to high school at 12 for a couple classes, headed back to cosmetology school til 5:15, Started work (Shopko) at 5:25, Got off work between 10:30-12:00 and finally, home! I did this for what seemed like eternity and it was one of the hardest things I had done at that point in my life. I had to pay for tuition so, I had to find a way to make the money I needed to finish school. It was hard but so worth it. It taught me a lot about work ethic, perseverance, endurance, determination and so much more. Traits that I was going to need for the rest of my life, in fact. What a great lesson of sacrifice and value of what I had learned.
The one thing I was disappointed about was that I didn't get the makeup training I had hoped for in school. We focused on hair for the most part. So, I did a lot of makeup practicing on myself and learned a lot on my own with the makeup station they had for us to use.
When I graduated I started working at a salon to start building my clientele. But I still had a thirst for everything makeup! I enrolled in a local college and signed up for a theater makeup class. There were only 3 people that signed up and the teacher was out of commission. They told me I would probably have to drop that class but, I wanted to go so bad I just went anyway. I would sit alone in a costume room watching videos on theater makeup application. After a few weeks they told me they had found a teacher! Yay! Turns out it was a free-lance makeup artist that knew the costume designer there at UVU. She was very friendly and knowledgeable, I just wanted to know it all! I would eat every word and technique up! This is what I had been wanting for so long! We had class once a week and on one specific field trip Janna took us to a film set that she was currently working on. I got to see how it was all done. I got to see how difficult everyone worked to make one little scene happen, I saw how amazingly talented everyone on the production cast/crew was to make a good product. It was so fascinating and intriguing to me, I wanted to be a part of it so bad!
When the semester came to an end, I got an invite from the teacher to come assist her on her next film. Of course said yes and that is it where it all began...
I was basically the assistant to her assistants (grateful for any position at that point) I got to help with hair styling, powdering masses of people in between takes, and anything else they let me do. I even got to learn the film set "lingo" that is standard on professional sets. I will never forget that day. It just felt like I had finally found my perfect place and I just couldn't get enough. (Still feel that way to this day)
After the shoot I didn't expect anything to come of it, but one day, I get a call from Janna, telling me her assistants had a better offer for a bigger movie (Saints and Soldiers) and she needed my help designing for her next project/film. I Couldn't believe the opportunity that had come knocking and I, with out any hesitation, hopped on board. We got to design 7 (Lion) makeup looks for "Daniel and the Lions" It was a blast!
I learned so much from Janna ( I call her the hair encyclopedia) any question I have about hair, I ask her knowing she will have a detailed answer and more. She became my mentor and friend. I am so grateful that she was willing to spend time teaching me and letting me ask question after question! I owe her so much for all her help.
Eventually, I started working on other sets and I met more people in the industry.That led to more jobs through word of mouth recommendations. Later on, I started keying (where you are the lead makeup artist) on my own. Around that time I also started with Signature Brides, traveling around Utah getting girls ready for their big day. Bridal work could not be more perfect for me because, I love styling up-dos and I love doing makeup! Perfect combo and it does help that it's that happiest day of their lives ;)
So, For a few years I have divide my time up between film/Television work, Brides, and salon clients. I had a pretty good system down and I felt lucky every day, to be doing what I did for "work". I have a bit of a different system now because, I had a baby about a year ago and time just doesn't allow me to do all that I did before. She is my priority and I always go by the motto "Family First" I used to work 12 hour days, weeks in a row, on film sets. That is not an option anymore so, I have stopped pursuing film work. I also used to quite a bit more bridal work and now, since they are early morning clients and travel is time consuming, I only do brides that are near by and close friends. With a few exceptions, of course. I just find it hard to be gone so long and I feel that as my family changes, my career will to. And I'm okay with that. The job I do the most now is, a daily Television show that lets my bring Stela with me. And it only consumes a total of 2 1/2- 3 hrs of my day. Honestly, this is a huge blessing for our family. I feel so blessed to be working on an uplifting, wholesome show with good people that want to help others. It's a great opportunity in my life, and I am very grateful for the chance to be a part of it.
I encourage anyone and everyone, to find you passion and make it into something that you can do for work or even a side job. You never know, it might become
Friday, September 23, 2011
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
My sister-in-law sent me a link to a video a day or two ago and she said it was one of her favorites and that I'd like it. Well, I loved it. It was so touching and eye-opening. I don't know how you could watch it and not get teary eyed. To me this woman is the epitome of pure, whole and true beauty. It was interesting because at the beginning of the video, her scarring was more apparent to me but, by the end, her scars, were over-powered by her will to keep going, her faith, strength, her gratitude for every moment, her optimism, her love for her family, her determination, and her unshakable testimony. And in my eyes, all of that, is what makes her truly beautiful.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Makeup Your Inner Beauty
A blog with stories and insight about the "inner beauty" I see, in those around me and the outer beauty topics too, of course.
I wanted to elaborate and dissect my title a bit and explain why I've gone with this name for all of my beauty networks.
But seriously, when you add a well groomed, tastefully made-up face, to that BEAMING inner beauty of yours, you've got yourself a double whammy!
So, throughout this blog an my other makeup resources, you can expect to see anything from inspiring stories of inner beauty, to the latest tips/tricks and trends for the outer makeup lover in us all.
I wanted to elaborate and dissect my title a bit and explain why I've gone with this name for all of my beauty networks.
To begin, I believe all of us have inner beauty in some form or another.
For some of us, it may show in subtle ways and only come out for certain people, that make us feel safe enough to share it with.
And then, there are those who constantly let their inner beauty beam through every action they make and in countenance as a whole.
Those people, are the ones who inspire others, lift up the defeated, encourage the discouraged, re-assure the uneasy, empathize with the suffering, improvise when obstacles are presented.
These are the people that dream, take risks, create history and make it possible for those around them, to allow their own inner beauty, growth.
This beauty is contagious and it can spread like fire, if we can let down our guards and be a little more uplifting. THAT, is the "inner beauty" I refer to in my title.
Sometimes, you may feel like the person that only shares their inner beauty, with a select few.
And other times, you allow it to shine and brighten others' lives.
And that's okay. That's life and we're human.
And my goal, is to help anyone, even if its one of you, to be the latter example of inner beauty, more often than the first.
I know it will make for a happier person, inside and out!
So, moving on to the second part of my title name...
Why did I go and add "Makeup" to the mix?
Well, because you just cant't go wrong when adding makeup to ANYONE ;)
But seriously, when you add a well groomed, tastefully made-up face, to that BEAMING inner beauty of yours, you've got yourself a double whammy!
You've got the confidence to do whatever you set your mind to do. Makeup, is one of those inventions that not only changes the outside appearance, it can affect the way we feel on the inside too!
Makeup can turn you into any character you imagine, it can enhance, lift, brighten, mold, invent, inspire, surprise...and then, you can wash it off and start all over again th next day. Clean slate, just like life!
A new day, with no mistakes in it!
So, throughout this blog an my other makeup resources, you can expect to see anything from inspiring stories of inner beauty, to the latest tips/tricks and trends for the outer makeup lover in us all.
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